Thanks Joanne for the invitation to translate your tutorials:

Clic and move the brush to follow the tutorial.

To print

This tutorial was translated with PSPX3 but it can also be made using other versions of PSP.
Since version PSP X4, Image>Mirror was replaced with Image>Flip Horizontal,
and Image>Flip with Image>Flip Vertical, there are some variables.
In versions X5 and X6, the functions have been improved by making available the Objects menu.
In the latest version X7 command Image>Mirror and Image>Flip returned, but with new differences.
See my schedule here

Italian translation here

For this tutorial, you will need:
Material here
For the tube thanks Maryse.
The rest of the material is not signed.
(The links of the tubemakers sites here).

consult, if necessary, my filter section here
Filters Unlimited 2.0 - here
Graphics Plus - Emboss here
Flaming Pear - Flexify 2 here
Frischluft - Amiga Rulez here
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Extrude here
Carolaine and Sensibility - CS-Reflexion here
Filters Graphics Plus can be used alone or imported into Filters Unlimited.
(How do, you see here)
If a plugin supplied appears with this icon it must necessarily be imported into Unlimited

You can change Blend Modes according to your colors.

Copy the preset Emboss 6 in the Presets Folder.

Open the masks in PSP and minimize them with the rest of the material.

1. Set your foreground color to #fda99f,
and your background color to #fa7062.

2. Open a new transparente image 400 x 400 pixels.
Flood Fill the transparent image with your light foreground color.

3. Open the woman tube, erase the watermark and go to Edit>Copy.
Minimize the tube.
Go back to your work and go to Edit>Paste as new layer.

4. Layers>Merge>Merge visible.

5. Effects>Image Effects>Seamless Tiling, default settings.

6. Effects>Reflection Effects>Kaleidoscope.

7. Effects>Image Effects>Seamless Tiling, default settings.

8. Minimize this layer.
Set your foreground color to Pattern, and under the Open Images Category,
select your work with these settings
(the image will have the progressive number of the images open up to that moment)

Set again your foreground color to Color.

9. Open a new transparent image 800 x 600 pixels.
Flood Fill the transparent image with your dark background color.

10. Layers>New Raster Layer.
Flood Fill the layer with your light foreground color.

11. Layers>New Mask layer>From image
Open the menu under the source window and you'll see all the files open.
Select the mask 28f2e481e6884...

Layers>Merge>Merge Group.

12. Layers>Merge>Merge visible.

13. Effects>User Defined Filter - select the preset Emboss 6 and ok.

14. Effects>Plugins>Carolaine and Sensibility - CS-Reflection, default settings.

15. Close this layer for the moment.

16. Set your foreground to the Pattern you prepared before.

Layers>New Raster Layer.
Flood Fill the layer with your foreground pattern.

17. Effects>Plugins>Frischluft - Amiga Rules.

Repeat the Effect another time.

18. Activate your Magic Wand Tool
and click in the two rectangles to select them.

Press CANC on the keyboard
Selections>Select None.

19. Effects>Plugins>Flaming Pear - Flexify 2
attention please: Flip is selected

In my english translation, I used a previous version of this plugin,
and I had the same result

20. Layers>Duplicate.

Layers>Merge>Merge visible.

21. Image>Flip.

22. Effects>Plugins>Graphics Plus - Emboss, default settings.

23. Effects>Plugins>Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Extrude
Settings: Factory Default - Basic:
Solid Color: background color #fa7062.

24. Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow.

25. Set your foreground color to white.

Layers>New Raster Layer.
Flood Fill the layer with color white.

26. Layers>New Mask layer>From image
Open the menu under the source window
and select the mask f836543dba31....

Layers>Merge>Merge Group.

You can open the closed layer and stay on the top layer.

27. Activate again the woman tube and go to Edit>Copy.
Go back to your work and go to Edit>Paste as new layer.
Place correctly the tube as below.

28. Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow.

Repeat Drop Shadow, vertical and horizontal -3.

29. Sign your work on a new layer.

If you add the author watermark (to put in mode Soft Light),
don't forget to add also the translator watermark.

30. Layers>Merge>Merge All.

31. Set again your foreground color to light color #fda99f.

Image>Add borders, 4 pixels, symmetric, dark color.
Image>Add borders, 4 pixels, symmetric, light color.
Image>Add borders, 4 pixels, symmetric, dark color

Image>Add borders, 40 pixels, symmetric, color white.

Image>Add borders, 4 pixels, symmetric, dark color.
Image>Add borders, 4 pixels, symmetric, light color.
Image>Add borders, 4 pixels, symmetric, dark color

32. Activate your Magic Wand Tool
and click on the 40 pixels border to select it.

Set again your foreground color to Pattern.

Flood Fill the selection with your foreground pattern.

33. Adjust>Blur>Gaussian blur - radius 15.

34. Adjust>Add/Remove Noise>Add Noise.

35. Selections>Invert.
Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow, last settings still in memory.

Repeat Drop Shadow, vertical and horizontal 3.

Selections>Select None.

36. Activate your Magic Wand Tool
and click in the 2 light borders of 4 pixels to select them
You will have to zoom in on the image to select them.

37. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel.

Selections>Select None.

38. Save as jpg.

I made several versions to check the pattern.
For these versions I used the pattern created with every tube.



Luz Cristina

For this version I colorized the first pattern created for the translation.
Thanks Luz Cristina


If you have problems or doubts, or you find a not worked link,
or only for tell me that you enjoyed this tutorial, write to me.

20 February 2022

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